Tuesday, December 22, 2009

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Maltrattamenti Animali
are now too many animal cruelty, the thing even more sad is that despite the thousands of blogs that talk about it, the many associations that oppose you are unable to stop these atrocities. Lately

Blog I posted an article on the mistreatment of animals that has really passed all limits to those who had not read the article here Engaged kill a dog and filmed his hanging. For
Not to mention the dog, which some bell boy set fire to have fun, horrible things. As I try to understand their consciences can not do that is stronger than me, such things are not forgivable at least to me.

animal cruelty I have to type if in each country, and I assure you that not only appears in the list China as many believe, an example is Denmark where young men to become brutally massacred hundreds of dolphins, if not We believe this is the video: Denmark animal mistreatment.

We Europeans are not out of the list from Spain known for its SHOW blood-based blog of us and we can already deployed read here, but it is not only Spain to carry on the flag, we are a little behind all the countries, it seems that nobody has been able to eliminate the mistreatment of animals, even for those who do not know all the products we buy days hide their ill-treatment as you see from Piò LIST OF PRODUCTS TESTED ON ANIMALS .

Luckily my blog as they are not alone, there are many webmasters looking to at least know the animal cruelty, I leave you with some links where you can find useful information:

# How to report animal abuse ;


E voi cosa ne pensate, esiste un modo per fermare i maltrattamenti sugli animali?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Herpes Around Nose And Hands?

bandits and slaves: an interesting gift for Christmas 2009

Dear friends,

I suggest you read this book on the Albanian mafia e sul suo codice d'onore. Un testo scritto a quattro mani da Arcangelo Badolati e Giovanni Pastore. Per ulteriori informazioni cliccare qui .

Buon Natale a tutti.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How To Cut Flooring Around Columns


Questa è la storia di oneo, un pitbull di soli 2 anni abbattuto perchè giudicato aggressivo, ma possibile che nessuno si fermi ad osservare i motivi dell'aggressività dei cani?

La storia di oneo è davvero triste, infatti quando era in vita la sua padrona lo massacrava di botte, eclatante fu l'episodio che vide la padrona scaraventarlo fuori dalla finestra. Purtroppo per oneo questi avvenimenti gli hanno segnato il carattere portandolo sempre di più verso l'aggressività motivo per cui è stato abbattuto.

Come ricorda l'enpa i cani aggressivi possono essere recuperati as has already happened many times but nothing is served to the many appeals of the American animal rights organizations, unfortunately oneo has already paid a high price when the faults but as usual were attributable to the lady who led him to be so. Shame.

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150 abused dogs looking for a home.

dogs (seems bred pointer) are located in Ferrara, were seized a month ago to a breeder accused of abuse. The provincial police in Ravenna has announced that the dogs in question will be given up for adoption but only to families who have certain requirements and can therefore ensure the welfare of dogs.

On December 5, Ferrara is playing the campaign "a family for each dog, in collaboration with 'Animal Liberation' and 'Cruelty Free'.

Friday, December 4, 2009

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Videoshock: capture and vivisection of primates

A new videoshock documenting the capture of primates was carried out by BUAV (British Association antivivisection) and was published on the website of the LAV.

I write this article because to let everyone know about this brutal reality in fact, the video shows the methods of capture, and the places where these poor animals are kept. Was terrible to see that after the capture of these animals are put in plastic bags were stacked like objects. Watch the video

and adhere to the appeal of the European Coalition for the end of animal experimentation .

Sunday, November 1, 2009

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remedial courses at the shelter for the animals aggressive

Turin. It 'full of scars. Attacks embrace all men and dogs. As the most dangerous prisoners, is not entitled hour air collective when it comes to clean the box by moving the area closed to the discovery by a damper operated remotely. No one knows what hell has been tempered, except maybe a year ago who gave it to the municipal dog pound: the first to disappear, said she found it.

difficult to determine whether "Tango", the "Dogo Argentino" 5-6 years imprisoned in the structure of Germagnano away, the dog is more dangerous than Turin. Certainly the subject is worst among those housed in the two municipal shelters, the "refuge" and "health": 50-60 pounds of pure aggression that distinguish it from similar even more intractable. Read the full article at

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Lav: "Japan must end the slaughter of dolphins"

October 20, 2009. Save the dolphins from the terrible massacre carried out every year in Taiji, a Japanese town about 500 kilometers southwest of Tokyo, which is located on a major migration routes of these wonderful cetacei.E `this` s appeal Lav has turned to the `Ambassador of Japan in Italy, Hiroyasu Ando, \u200b\u200bwith a request to tell the story in the horror of what his government must show that the Italian population against this massacre, which is repeated every year and that only demonstrates further this species at risk, including the family of the cetaceans, universally regarded as secure because seriously endangered.

Read the full article at tiscali

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In Spain, thousands of starving horses saved from extinction

October 21, 2009. Not just dogs and cats abandoned every summer has always been: the economic crisis in Spain is claiming thousands of casualties among the horses. The complaint El Mundo, in a report that explains how even the most expensive pieces, once estimated to be between 8,000 and € 50,000, are increasingly being left to starve by the owners.

Read the full article at tiscali

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in Spain, the Iberian lynx emigrated to Portugal

October 28, 2009. After retrieving the species at risk of extinction Iberian lynx, Spain, the export to Portugal. The female Azahar Iberian lynx born in captivity in 2004 in the zoo-botanical Jerez de la Frontera (Cadiz), will be transferred to the new breeding center in Silves, Portugal, under the action plan for raising cat in the Iberian Peninsula.
Read the full article at tiscali

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

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A myth to laugh a bit .. '..

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Today in Calabria

Da più di un mese si aspetta di capire cosa possa esserci lì sotto. Molti ancora sostengono che quel relitto sia la famigerata Cunsky, mentre i registri marittimi internazionali sembrano smentirlo clamorosamente. Ieri i sindaci del Tirreno si sono recati a Roma, davanti Palazzo Chigi, ed è subito nato il caso. Botta e risposta durissimo between the Secretary and the Regional Councillor Menia environment at the same branch, Silvio Greek. My impression is that probably we are facing one of the largest political exploitation of recent times, with a run in regional elections that will leave its aftermath heavy. War machines are oiled and are about to take the field. Still, there is always forgets to those most affected. The fishermen, of course. Although we should remember that many of the same cetrarese fishermen, for years, collecting cans and kegs in their networks. Without telling anyone, because you talk funny. But so be it. While we are anxious to brutalize any one Venditti (clear, was a moron who made his jokes to make the audience laugh Sicilian, neither more nor less) continue to hide the corruption that is in us. Turning to the problems around, waiting, assigning a status of innocent victims that we have created for themselves, while not saying they are the executioners of ourselves. We do not say, do not talk, do not do. The "Do not Calabria." Saturday there will be a great event in Amantea, a procession of national ... 600 meters. With attached final campaign rally of ... who? But the "paying" naturally. And then we complain of not being considered by the Government. But that assurance we give ourselves, our representatives, institutions? This is not no one ever asks if you ... in Calabria.

Friday, October 16, 2009

My Shoes Fit But My Heels Keep Slipping Out

Back to the Future on the stage of the Ariston

After several months, here I am. Pick up your keyboard and write something on this virtual corner, for better or for worse, has accompanied me for some time. My life has completely changed since I changed jobs and cities, leaving many memories to Rome, most unforgettable bonds. Seven years of sorrow and joy, but above seven years of intense life. I thought the capital was now my home and, in a sense, still is. The fact is that now live in the province is really a treat: quiet, no slamming to the parking lot, humanity and ease of movement. And above all, a job I like and that is making me grow a lot. Looking back, through the pages of the blog, I realize that time passes so incredible, but every minute is essential. The past loves, the people known to the case, old friends and those of the "almost always". They're part of me and I'm glad I lived as I have done so far. It was not easy and not easy to say. Now back here and throw my message, perhaps in a vacuum given the very few readers of my pages.

Monday, October 5, 2009

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Animals, I did stop at cosmetic procedures

Punished who cuts the tail-dogs ears
The Council of Ministers gave the green light to the bill's parliamentary ratification of the Strasbourg Convention, which introduces very strict rules to protect the pets. The Convention, explained the Foreign Minister, Franco Frattini, "introduces principles and criminal sanctions, in particular the prohibition of cruelty to animals, "and not a medical or non-curative surgery but" aesthetic ".
Read the full article here

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animals to pieces, now they defend

ROMA - Tom Regan, one of the major theorists of the animal rights movement worldwide. Five years ago his book-report "Empty Cages" marked a shift in Western culture and sensitivity toward animals. Today the paper (now a real cult ) returns in a new edition published by Probe with a foreword by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson and an interesting profile of the author of philosophical Barbara Mori, a professor of the first chair of Animal Bioethics at the University of Padua. "In 40 years of work I have written thousands of pages on animal rights, in particular for the academic world - Regan explains, these days in Italy -.
Read the full article here

Thursday, September 24, 2009

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diamond Black male Great Dane

He's BD Black Diamond ... eh it was a pure mastiff, huge, proud and beautiful. As you know by now the abandonment does not spare even the dogs bred ... BD is underweight weighs 55kg would need to recover a family where ... is a wonderful dog and very good with everyone! Do not be fooled by its size!

Contact: Pasquale 3933210334 - (Preferably by e-mail contact) zadu@hotmail.it

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

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Lombardy Japan, Baja Taiji: hunting whales and dolphins

hundred bottle-nosed dolphins and 50 pilot whales are the rich spoils of the first fishing trip of the season, officially started in Japan on September 1 and unveiled yesterday in the bay 'massacre' of Taiji, a coastal city south of Osaka.
The prefecture of Wakayama, is located in the city, said that the hundred dolphins caught, the 40 or 50 most beautiful examples will be sold to aquariums, while others will be released again into the sea.
The whale meat, however, will be sold to fish markets for consumption. Accompanying fishing there have been protests and clashes between the defenders of the animals and fishermen of the city, exacerbated this year by the success of the documentary film of the two directors and Louie Psihoyos Richard O'Barry (The Cove, 'the bay'), presented and awarded the 2009 Sundance Film Festival in the USA.
After trying in vain to obtain the authorization of the town of Taiji, the two directors have filmed with hidden cameras on the bottom of the bay. In this way they managed to take back and forward with great realism, the horror of the sea painted red after the massacre. Read the full article

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The sea of \u200b\u200bred blood Taiji (Corriere.it)

Tensions between fishers and animal rights. The complaint in the documentary
Richard O'Barry
The sea of \u200b\u200bred blood Taiji, movies and reality
Started hunting large mammals, even at the debut killed 100 dolphins and fifty pilot whales. Read the full article

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maxiabbandono, a dog and nine puppies

Near Imperia a 41 year old man has been charged with animal abuse and neglect for abandoning a dog and her 9 puppies. The man said he had abandoned the dogs after complaints of the landlord.

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"This year at the end of the Ramadan fasting period for members of the holy Muslim religion of the day scheduled for Saturday, September 19, Aida activated in several Italian cities, including Rome and Milan, the service control over the Islamic butcher shops to prevent the bloody slaughter of animals outside of what are the rules laid down by Italian law on slaughter Read full article

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Zoophilia Streaming Vidéo

18esima rassegna CANE FANTASIA a Legnano

Tomorrow September 13, the Friends of Animal Control to organize the park Legnano former ILA Hills Via Erasmo, 29 at 15.00 the exhibition DOG FANCY 18, which is open to all dogs of each breed and age, interested parties may register their dogs to one of following categories:
4) low shot
Submissions will be accepted from 10.30 to 14.30. At 16.15 There will be a parade of "CERCAFAMIGLIA" housed in canile.Mi recommend not disappoint those who are committed every day by helping our 4-legged friends, if you do not live too far away come and who knows maybe you will find a new friend.
PS: Access to the park 3 euro (excluding children under 6 years)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Words For A Friend Who Just Had A Baby

Finalmente: Cosmetici: entra in vigore lo stop europeo dei test sugli animali

March 11, 2009. Defenseless rabbits in traps that prevent any movement and a human hand that inoculates irritants in their eyes. This is the image which we think when we buy a beauty product tested on animals. But now enter into force on the European stop on cosmetic testing on animals that will lead to the virtual exclusion of the use of live animals for purposes experimental testing of cosmetics. Read the full article

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Lav, una favola per educare a rispettare gli animali

April 27, 2009. The Lav (antivivisection League) strengthened its commitment to the education of the young with the new book The great book of animal rights. Effective educational proposal made by Ilaria Marucelli (head of department of education Lav) and Marco Cortini, with magnificent illustrations and foreword by Agnese Zanetti Licia Colo, for the publishing house probe. The story is mainly targeted to children aged 7 to 12 years to sensitize them to respect the animals, education programs and exercises for learning fun. Read the full article at animali.tiscali.it

Thursday, April 30, 2009

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Prodotti tecnologicamente avanzati

In 1957 Vaber began his career in Turin producing adhesives for the automotive original equipment, in what will become the capital of the Italian car with the presence of prestigious brands like Lancia, Alfa Romeo and Fiat. Since 1965

diversify production in a midst of a promising market for suppliers of original equipment and car refinishing. In the same year began producing a wide range of products for domestic appliances and air conditioning. In the 80

born special products for the marine industry, construction and distribution networks, water and gas day plan. Always attentive to market trends, Vaber is among the first companies that make products based on advanced technology, low water or low environmental impact. In particular they have been appreciated by the market's innovative sealants Polymerh MS.
Since the late '90s, thanks to an agreement signed with the group ITW Plexus, ok, r is the exclusive distributor in Italy of the prestigious structural adhesives that are used in various industrial sectors.
Vaber offers customers a professional partner able to respond positively to the growing demand for increasingly competitive products and sophisticated with a high level of quality and reliability.

You can find more information at:

Visit the blog:
http://insonorizzanti-protettivi . blogspot.com

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Friday, April 10, 2009

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Dispositivi di fissaggio Weld Mount

Weld Mount System TM is an exclusive line of fasteners are designed to be glued on virtually all surfaces. We

media clamps, pipe clamps and clamping screws, studs, standoffs and threaded plates free.
All our fasteners are fitted with exclusive acrylic adhesive with high initial tack TM Mount Weld, which maintain the components in place on vertical surfaces or undercut to polymerization, providing a permanent bond very strong.

Our adhesives have a temperature range between - 40 ° C and +120 ° C and are taken at the highest degrees in 15 minutes.
with members of the Weld Mount System TM is no longer necessary to drill the composite (damage to the core) with the possibility to cause delamination of the hull or deck.
Our fasteners used in combination with innovative structural adhesives, eliminating the need for holes and incisions in use on metal surfaces.
Fasteners Weld Mount TM are ideal for mounting electronic components, wire guides, applications in the bilge and fire resistant cables.
Fasteners Weld Mount System TM save time and money, are easy to use, eliminating the holes and are far more durable than traditional methods.

Vaber è distributore europeo dei prodotti Weld Mount TM

Potrai trovare ulteriori informazioni sul sito:

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Adesivi strutturali Plexus

I produttori di automobili quali Ford, GM, Rover, Chrysler, Saab, Land Rover e Lotus utilizzano abitualmente gli adesivi strutturali Plexus .

I prodotti Plexus are used to glue the bumpers, spoilers, dashboards, body panels, front grilles and so on.
structural adhesives are fully compatible and allow you to recycle the plastic components without the need to remove the adhesive from the joint.

Thousands of bumpers have been bonded with Plexus structural adhesives.
Plexus structural adhesives for automotive allow:

• Reduced production time
• excellent adhesion to substrates of different nature
great strength and durability • •
documented effectiveness

Vaber distrubutore Italian is the official Plexus. You will find

more information at:

Visit the blog:
http://insonorizzanti-protettivi. blogspot.com

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Melina Velba In Spotted Dress

Polish e paste abrasive

Vaber expands its offering in the automotive body and inserting a range of new and innovative products, a collaboration with Auto Wax Company Inc. (AWC) .
Now, thanks to this agreement, Vaber Industriale SpA, is the official distributor Exclusive for Italy Auto Wax Company, a manufacturer of a popular and comprehensive range of professional products for internal and external refurbishment of the car.

products of famous brands and Auto Magic, Clay Magic Body & Magic, including a wide range of polish and polishing agents, are now available of the best Italian professionals of repair.

You can find more information at:

Visit the blog:
http://insonorizzanti-protettivi . blogspot.com

Subscribe to the Social Network:

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Vaber - specialista nei prodotti per carrozzerie

Vaber In 1957 began his career in Turin, the first plant producing adhesives for the automotive industry. Today Vaber builds its competitiveness by focusing on growing demand for increasingly sophisticated and high level of quality and reliability.
by the industry body has always been one of the most important business Vaber, which is present both in Italy and abroad through a network of agents and distributors.

The results are confirmed by leading companies, customers Vaber operating at the highest levels of quality and technological innovation in different sectors served by the company.

Vaber was among the first companies to eliminate or reduce its production, components are potentially harmful to the health of users or the environment, maintaining the reliability and performance of its products.

For more details, see the following blog:

Subscribe to the Social Network:
http: / / products-carrozzeria.ning.com

Friday, April 3, 2009

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VABER - Concessionaria esclusiva

VABER investe nell’innovazione e nel miglioramento costante della qualità dei prodotti con l’obiettivo di riuscire sempre a comprendere e soddisfare i bisogni dei clienti.

Vaber costruisce la sua competitività puntando sulla crescente richiesta di prodotti sempre più specializzati e ad alto livello di qualità e affidabilità.
I risultati conseguiti sono testimoniati da primarie aziende, clienti di Vaber che operano ai più alti livelli di qualità e innovazione tecnologica nei diversi settori serviti dall’azienda.

Vaber è stata fra le prime aziende ad eliminare o ridurre nella sua production, components are potentially harmful to the health of users or the environment, maintaining the reliability and performance of its products.

Vaber is the exclusive dealer in Italy:

In Europe:

Visit the official site: http://www . vaber.it
subscribe to the social network http://prodotti-carrozzeria.ning.com

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Accordo tra Motor Show ed Autopromotec

It strengthens the Bologna center of the automotive sector:
le due manifestazioni puntano a consolidare la leadership in Italia ed a ricercare nuove opportunità di sviluppo sui mercati esteri

Motor Show – Salone Internazionale dell’Automobile ed Autopromotec – Salone Internazionale di Attrezzature e Prodotti per l’Industria Automotive, le due maggiori manifestazioni fieristiche internazionali del settore automotive organizzate a Bologna, hanno siglato oggi un accordo di collaborazione per promuovere le rassegne in Italia e all’estero.
Il memorandum d’intesa è stato sottoscritto a Rimini Fiera in occasione della sesta edizione di My Special Car Show - Salone dell’Auto Speciale e Sportiva, da Giada Michetti, amministratore delegato di Promotor International S.p.A. e da Renzo Servadei, amministratore delegato di Promotec S.p.A.
Come noto, la società organizzatrice del Motor Show di Bologna e di My Special Car Show di Rimini è stata acquisita lo scorso anno dal gruppo francese GL events, azienda leader mondiale nell’organizzazione di eventi, nella gestione di quartieri fieristici e nella fornitura di servizi, che può contare su oltre 3.000 addetti e più di 80 sedi in 13 diversi Paesi. Attraverso tale acquisizione il Motor Show di Bologna, uno tra i saloni dell’automobile più visitati al mondo, ha avuto la possibilità di inserirsi in una organizzazione internazionale con straordinarie potenzialità. Autopromotec, wholly owned by the trade associations and AICA AIRP (Italian Association of Manufacturers and the Italian Association Autoattrezzature Retreader
tires) came to the 23rd edition two years, has achieved extraordinary success in 2007, making it the most specialized international exhibition of equipment, products and services for the automotive industry. The reviews have not established a case in Bologna, home of motoring passion, that with this agreement sees further strengthened its role as a hub for the industry.

The agreement between the two events, which cover different but complementary areas of the automotive industry - one aimed at the general public, the other professional user - aims to strengthen its leadership in Italy and to seek new development opportunities in foreign markets.

The agreement aims to create a table to study institutional synergies that enhance the engineering vocation of the territory, in order to increase the number of visitors and create new business opportunities, with particular attention to foreign countries. At the international level, the agreement provides for forms of collaboration to study together with the fair in Bologna. In addition, the exhibition sites and exhibitions offered by the group GL events (ranging from Eastern Europe to South America, the Far East to Canada) along with excellent organizational skills and know-how of Promotor International Exhibition and Promotec, allow to express hitherto unexplored potential in these markets.

Commenting on the signing of the agreement, the CEO of Promotor International, Giada Michetti, said: "We are very pleased with the agreement of the organizers Autopromotec that, thanks to the synergies that can be created with a large group GL events which can offer outstanding opportunities to give even greater emphasis on our experiences at the international level. "

Renzo Servadei, CEO of Promotec, has a turn said: "Autopromotec is the most specialized exhibition event in all sectors of the automotive aftermarket. We believe our experience and network international association that supports the event, joined the exclusive format of the Motor Show, can offer excellent opportunities for collaboration with the Italian and international institutions. "

Pr more information visit VABER http://www.vaber.it
subscribe to the social network http://prodotti-carrozzeria.ning.com

Thursday, April 2, 2009

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Vaber distributore ufficiale esclusivo di Auto Wax Company Inc

Vaber expands its offered in the auto industry and car entering a range of new and innovative products, a collaboration with Auto Wax Company Inc. (AWC) .

Now, thanks to this agreement, Vaber Industriale SpA is the exclusive distributor for Italy of Auto Wax Company, makers of a popular and comprehensive range of professional products for internal and external refurbishment of the car.

products of famous brands and Auto Magic, Body Magic & Magic Clay, are now available of the best Italian professionals of repair.

Visit http://www.vaber.it

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Auto Wax Company distribuisce prodotti Auto Magic

For nearly 50 years, Auto Wax Company (AWC) provides the market
automotive aftermarket (aftermarket) products excellent and consistent quality.

AWC manufactures and distributes over 100 products for professional use with the brand
Auto Magic ® .

AWC is owned by Illinois Tool Works Inc. (ITW), a diversified manufacturing company
, ranks among the Fortune 200 companies, with a history of over 90 years.

AWC activity is focused on creating value-added products and innovative solutions for customers. In compliance
environment, employees and distributors of AWC is committed to providing the best products for car refinishing industry and to build stronger relationships with their customers.
AWC products are recommended for their high level of consistent quality, ease of use and environmentally friendly formulas.
Carmakers such as Ford, Toyota and Isuzu have included the repair standards developed by AWC in their programs certified for use in vehicles.
Quality assurance is subject to constant and careful checks and double-checked, from raw materials to final product.

Service and is certified by Quality Assurance within the guidelines set by the American Society for Quality (American Society for Quality).
AWC has a staff of expert repair traveling around the world to take individual seminars for end users at retail groups, retailers and manufacturers.

Auto Magic ® has a Web site training for the most innovative car care industry.
Learn how to properly use the products, and more by visiting www.automagic.com .

Global distribution
Auto Magic ® sells to professionals in the repair
United States, Canada, Mexico, the Middle East, Europe and Asia.

For more information visit http://www.vaber.it
subscribe to the social network http://prodotti-carrozzeria.ning.com

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VABER - Oltre 50 anni di storia

In 2007 our company has made 50 years. Since then many things have changed but not our enthusiasm and desire to grow through innovation and continuous improvement of the quality of our products with the goal of always being able to meet the needs of our customers old and new.

Vaber builds its competitiveness by focusing on growing demand for increasingly sophisticated and high level of quality and reliability. The results are proved by leading companies, customers Vaber operating at the highest levels of quality and technological innovation in different sectors served by the company.

Vaber was among the first companies to eliminate or reduce its production, components are potentially harmful to the health of users or the environment, maintaining the reliability and performance of its products.

Vaber also believes in communication, transparency delle proprie politiche di vendita, e così ci è venuto in mente che i nostri clienti, gli addetti ai lavori o semplicemente esperti di prodotti come i nostri, potessero essere interessati ad "entrare" nella nostra azienda, vedere i volti e l’entusiasmo delle persone, che con orgoglio e passione, vi lavorano, accompagnandovi in un viaggio alla scoperta della nostra produzione.

Per questo motivo nasce questo blog.

Friday, February 20, 2009

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solidarity with Pupo , Paolo Belli and Youssou 'Ndour

in Sanremo will be on stage this year the theme of integration and to present it to the music on the stage of the Ariston thinks for a trio of totally new and unique.

Pupo, Paolo Belli and Senegalese singer Youssou 'Ndour takes part in the competition with' Opportunity ', a song that speaks of warmth, respect and tolerance for different and foreign. "Living as an opportunity to be different / to welcome friend and who / has no home, no country, but only offenses," reads the text of the song was initially intended to be titled 'Dear unknown friend,' but that has become 'Opportunity' thanks to the advice of the Festival's Artistic Director and Host, Paolo Bonolis.

very different experiences mark the route of the components of the trio. The Tuscan Enzo Ghinazzi (Aka Pupo), in the past with the success of 'Chocolate Ice Cream', twenty million albums sold and the management of the RAI in seguitissimo 'Your Business' (where he collected, with excellent results, the heavy legacy of the sample plays Paolo Bonolis), the Emilio Paolo Belli, founder of 'The Bicycle Thief' and musician loved by television audiences for his artistic skill and for his overwhelming sympathy, the Senegalese Youssou 'Ndour, a true voice of Africa and Ambassador FAO and UNICEF, sprang to worldwide fame thanks to '7 Seconds', a single and a half million copies sold duet with singer Neneh Cherry.

The idea that led to the formation of the trio Pupo-Belli-'Ndour is the result of intense social activity operated by the National Singers, of which Pupo was recently appointed President. The Tuscan singer relies in his new role, the collaboration of the General Manager Gianluca Pecchini town, one of the founders of the same National Singers with Mogol and Gianni Morandi. Just in the 'Match of the Heart' in 2002 in Reggio Calabria, Paolo Belli and Pupo met on the field Youssou 'Ndour. At that event laid the groundwork for future collaboration. "Now there came to mind Youssou. There seemed an impossible dream "state Paolo Belli baby and recalling the moments of the choice of the third lead singer of 'Opportunity'.

Pupo, moreover, strongly believes in the quality of the song: "with Paolo Belli and Youssou 'Ndour, believe me, we win," said it to reporters. On this course we can not have certainty demonstrated by Pupo. What you can be sure though is that this will be a great edition of the Sanremo Festival, thanks to the value of a piece of art not only as an 'opportunity'.

Fabio Melia

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The Age of Doubt (Andrea Camilleri)

double 'na half hour, victim nesciri to Garrufo.

Caminata bent du, is crowded tiniva face in her hands and Chiang.

"Take me home" Montalbano said Fazio.

head thrown back against the backrest and Chiu, finalmenti the eyes.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

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Interview with President of the Italian Fund for the removal of architectural barriers, Giuseppe Trieste (Festival Daily News)

begin today to bring the articles I'm writing in my collaboration with 'Festival Daily News ', the official newspaper of the 59th Sanremo Festival. It begins with his meeting with Joseph Trieste, President of fairy tales and published in today's issue of the newspaper.

President Trieste, what fairy tales!

FIABA was founded in 2000 with a clear objective: to exit from the disability to go to the quality of life. What distinguishes the tale is its commitment to the universality of people facing - and I stress people. Have you ever seen a disability to walk alone? - Each of them with their physical, psychological, religious, cultural. TALE is building a cultural message: each, in their diversity, are welcome.

TALE: an acronym evocative and meaningful. Conscious choice or happy coincidence?

He reveals now that our name does not originate as an acronym. Came into being with the meaning of the dream that every human being feeds within. To achieve it, however, is necessary to follow a path with commitment and dedication. The dream, moreover, is a common feature of all: African children, Italian, Chinese, Australian. All of them, in their differences, live their dreams with the desire to turn them into reality.

She wrote: "We want to stir the conscience and contribute ad abbattere le barriere culturali, prima ancora che architettoniche, che non permettono di comunicare”. Che cosa sono quindi le barriere culturali, anche attraverso la sua esperienza?

Le barriere culturali non sono altro che l’origine delle barriere architettoniche. Ognuno di noi, con il proprio retaggio culturale, si trova spesso di fronte a paure che frenano e limitano la crescita della persona. La nostra capacità di superare questi freni sta nella disponibilità ad aprirsi di fronte ai cambiamenti. Personalmente le barriere culturali le vedo ogni giorno, soprattutto nelle classi sociali medio-alte. Del resto, meno si soffre e più it is presumptuous.

Among your goals is to "re-engineer the environment on the principles of Universal Design." What is the meaning of this statement?

The Universal Design - which in Italian we define as "universal planning" - is an approach that, according to a statement by the European Union, indicate the projects intended to eliminate any a physical barrier. All design activities have a fundamental purpose, which is to ensure that the internal and external environment is able to fully express all of us. The technology in this area helps a lot, and for many years now. I remember an athlete at the Paralympics in 1980: this woman - very nice and chiseled physique by running the 100 and 200 meters - had lost their arms, but with electrical implants could even wear makeup. Oscar Pistorius (South African athlete can no legs, thanks to a new generation of prosthetics, to match the timing of his fellow Olympians Ed) is the most striking example in this regard.

President, speaks of her. His résumé states that, among other activities, she is also a sports plurimedagliato.

Exactly. I consider myself a founder in the sport for the disabled. Following my accident - in 1961 - I was welcomed into the structures of war invalids and Labour (the disabled civilians are only recognized in 1971) and there I started to play sports, coming to win five gold medals in the Championships World Disabled in London in 1965. In 1968 I helped create dell’Associazione Nazionale Sport Paraplegici Italiani, riconosciuta nel 1979 dalla Federazione Sport Disabili. Con le Paraolimpiadi del 1980 ho terminato la mia attività sportiva e ho fondato ANTHAI, un’associazione per la tutela delle persone con handicap. Quest’esperienza ha rappresentato il trampolino di lancio di FIABA, nel 2000.

Fabio Melia